Nerds of the Round Table

For all things good and nerdy

Superman Reboot News

It seems the current trend with superhero movies is to reboot them as soon as something goes wrong.  We’ve seen it with Spidey and Superman.  News is starting to come out about the possible storyline for the Superman Reboot.  This is completely unconfirmed as of now, but you might want to consider it a spoiler.  Consider yourself warned!

Begin Possible Spoilers

The script written by Batman Begins and The Dark Knight writer David Goyer will supposedly follow Clark Kent as he travels the world.  During his travels he will be considering whether he actually wants to take up the mantle of Superman and be a hero.  Not only that, but General Zod is rumored to be the main villain of the story.

If this is the case I have my own concerns.  Do we really need another origin tale where Clark Kent becomes Superman.  This has been covered and origin movies are notoriously boring and considered to be not as good.  The only exception is Batman Begins which Goyer was also involved in.  Make that will carry over to Superman Reboot…. but I doubt it.

End Possible Spoilers

One of the other factoids starting to hit the web is that the current draft of the Superman Reboot is “a bit of a mess” and this is feeling that has been rumored to be shared by the movie director Zack Snyder.  Is anyone really shocked by this?  DC is rushing this movie way too fast in an effort to retain the rights to the Superman movie franchise.  In order for Warner Brothers/DC to keep the rights to the character, there must be a new film in production by 2011 or the rights revert back to the estates of the original creators, Joe Shuster and Jerry Seigel.  The takeaway here is that we will get a new Superman movie… it just might not be very good.  Good thing I’m a Marvel fanboy.

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